pure yoga sweden 200h teacher training

How To Contact Us

Let’s Hear From You!

Fill out the form below to add your name to our email list. You can select the option to schedule an informational call to go over any questions you may have about the program, and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours. Or add a message in the message bar if you have a specific question.

If you have a question, you can also easily send us a direct message on Instagram @pureyogasweden.

  • Testimonials

    “Ulrica is a master at creating transformative journeys. Her expertise and dedication to the path of yoga shows up in everything she does. She has an extraordinary ability to create safe and supportive environments for you to grow and explore, guiding you to reach your highest potential. A yoga teacher training with her is so much more than just the physical part of yoga. It turns into a holistic journey towards a greater understanding of who you are.”

    — Emma O.

  • Testimonials

    “Drawing from her own experiences and her extensive study of yogic practices, Ulrica teaches from a place of real knowing. But her greatest gift is her presence. I feel so seen and heard and loved when I'm around her. The teachings she shares by her mere presence, is the gift she brings to this world.”

    — Kelly Rutherford.

  • Testimonials

    “I am so grateful to have Ulrica in my life, as a human being and one of my yoga teachers. She is sincere, loving, committed and generous in sharing her wisdom and knowledge. The thing that sets her apart from other teachers is her depth and respect for the process. Her dedication to teach what she has already lived through and embodies creates trust, inspiration and relatability. She also has an incredible ability for creating community and bringing people together in safe containers. This environment is something truly special, because it opens up for her students’ individual exploration of inner and outer realms. She has been there to guide me through some of my deepest work. It has helped me to come home, to become more me, and step into my fullest expression.”

    — Miriam M.

  • Testimonials

    “Ulrica is highly skilled and knowledgeable, but what truly sets her apart from others is her remarkable quality to guide you on your own journey. No matter if you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, she will embrace you exactly where you are. She has a rare, intuitive gift to read and hold the energy of a room, which creates the opportunity for every single person in that room to have a profound experience. You can feel the shift in energy when she walks into a place. You feel so seen and heard, and that makes it a uniquely fulfilling experience. If you have the opportunity to study with her, you can be assured that you will be in the presence of an extraordinary teacher who will leave a lasting impact on your journey through life.”

    — Christel A.

  • Testimonials

    “My many trainings with Ulrica have had a profound and lasting impact on my life. She has the gift of being able to to see you as your true self, without all the layers you’ve collected throughout your lifetime. It has allowed me to get to know myself in a way I didn’t think was possible, and find the truth in who I am. I’m now at a place where I feel so much love and reverence for my own existence. I have learned to listen to my heart, but also to find my own true voice within.”

    — Emmie.

  • Testimonials

    “Ulrica’s voice and her calm presence allow you to let go of your preconceived notions of who you are. She has the ability to bring forward your playfulness, open up your joy for being alive, and allow you explore all of your emotions. She will see you for who you are, deep within your heart, in a way you might not be able to see yourself yet. To take a yoga class with her is an experience in itself. It is to feel fully alive. And to have her as your yoga teacher will transform your life, as it did mine.”

    — Maria.